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Monday, March 22, 2010
Electronic Service Agent (V5R4M0) Jobs
The following are descriptions of V5R4M0 IBM Electronic Service Agent jobs:
QS9PALMON - This job periodically monitors the product activity log for errors. The start hour and analysis interval are set in GO SERVICE Option 1. PAL analysis will run 10 minutes after the hour. For example, 00 means the start hour is at midnight, and the PAL analysis interval is 4, so it will run at 00:10, 4:10, 8:10, 12:10, and 16:10 daily.
QS9PRBMON - This job monitors problem log entries and routes them to the appropriate data queue (data queue QS9HDW for hardware problems and data queue QS9SFW for software problems).
QS9HDWMON - This job analyzes hardware problems sent from QS9PRBMON and determines if they should be reported to the service provider. If they should be reported, it sends them to data queue QS9SND.
QS9SFWMON - This job analyzes software problems sent from QS9PRBMON and determines if they should be reported to the service provider. If they should be reported, it sends them to data queue QS9SND.
QS9PRBSND - This job monitors data queue QS9SND for problems that must be sent to the service provider and sends them to the QS9PRBCALL job.
QS9PRBCALL - This job initiates ECS activity and sends the problem.
QS9AUTOPTF - This job completes a transaction to the SDR (data receiver), which contains a list of PTFs deemed critical by IBM Service (Service Agent related and a few hardware PTFs). If the PTFs are not on the system or on a logical partition, it will download the save file or cover letter based on the parameters selected in GO SERVICE Option 1.
QS9AUTOTST - This job periodically sends a test problem to the service provider by using ECS. It runs weekly and when its interval is met, the job will send the test problem. For the weeks when sending the test problem is not done, the job will simply end normally and take no action. Note: This does not use HTTP connectivity; due to the type of transaction, it uses only VPN connectivity.
QS9SACOL - This is a service information collection and transmission job. It runs daily to collect and send the service information to IBM. If the settings in GO SERVICE Option 1 for the Send time element of the Service information parameter is set to *COLLECT, then QS9SACOL will collect and send the service information. If the send time is not *COLLECT, then QS9SACOL will only collect the service information and not send it.
QS9SASND - This is a service information transmission job. It runs daily to send the service information to IBM only if the send time is different than *COLLECT, which is immediately after the collection time based on the settings in GO SERVICE Option 1. If the settings in GO SERVICE Option 1 for the Send time element of the Service information parameter is set to *COLLECT, then this job is not needed and it will not exist. If the send time is not *COLLECT, then QS9SASND will be scheduled and only send the service information.
QSJHEARTBT - This job does a verification transaction to IBM to test the service information connection configuration. The default is 7 days; however, it can be changed in GO SERVICE Option 1, Connection Verification Timer. It can be changed from 1 through 21 days.
QSJERRRPT - This job sends problems immediately to IBM. It was implemented with PTF SI25871 at V5R4.
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